Natalia Krasovskaya
Atlantic Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography
5, Dm.Donskoy Str., Kaliningrad, 236000 Russia
Key words: Vistula Lagoon, Baltic herring, timing of spawning, duration of spawning, water temperature, water salinity, stage of maturity.
The Vistula Lagoon is one of the main spawning grounds of Baltic herring (Clupea
harengus membras L.) in the southeastern Baltic Sea. Coastal spring spawners
constitute from 94 to 98% of the total herring catches in the lagoon. Using
data from 1950-2000, the high amplitude of inter-annual variability of spawning
timing of the Baltic herring was shown within a wide range of environmental
conditions and stock characteristics. The principal factors which have a prevalent
effect on spawning timing included the time of ice breakup and clearing from
the lagoon, which is related to the severity of the preceding winter, further
warming processes and water salinity values. In spite of the inter-annual diversity
of spawning time, abiotic conditions, stock size etc., a noticeable constancy
was observed in the spawning run (changes in CPUE, age composition, mean weight-at-age
of herring during the spawning period). The trend towards milder winters and
the early occurrence of spring should be mentioned, and the distinct shift of
herring spawning in the Vistula Lagoon towards an earlier time and at lower
temperatures was observed in spite of the positive trend of mean water temperature
in spring.