Arthur W. Kendall, Jr.
Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA 98115, USA
Key words: walleye pollock, Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, year-class strength, climate change, FOCI, Johan Hjort.
Recruitment research is vital to fisheries management,
since year-class strength is the most significant biological variable affecting
abundance of high latitude fish populations. Year-class strength is usually
not well correlated with spawning stock size or environmental variables.
Variable survival of early life stages (eggs and larvae) is critical in
determining year-class size. The recruitment problem has a long history
in fisheries research and its study continues today. The history
of such studies in the temperate and subarctic northeast Pacific are traced
back to work on Pacific halibut by W. F. Thompson and others. With the
discovery in 1980 of a concentrated spawning aggregation of walleye pollock
in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, recruitment research found a focus
that led to expanded studies there and in the Bering Sea. This research
has led to annual forecasts of relative year-class strength that help guide
management of pollock harvests. In the future, more emphasis needs
to be placed on time-scales other than interannual and ecosystem responses
such as system productivity, changes in species dominance, and system maturity.
This emphasis will require complex long-term and multi-trophic level studies.