10th Fish Congress – Sopot 2024

10th Fish Congress – Sopot 2024

The 10th Anniversary of Fish Congress, the largest annual meeting of fish industry executives, is behind us.

As usual, the congress attracted many prominent representatives of fish processing, aquaculture, fishing and fish trade, as well as fish industry suppliers.

The event was held June 19-20, 2024 at the Sheraton Hotel Sopot.

At this year’s meeting, it was decided to have a slightly different program formula. The agenda was full of numerous and extremely interesting speeches.

The Congress attempted to summarize the last decade in the fish industry, as well as discuss the most important challenges for the fish raw material market, fish processing and aquaculture, and the economics of fish production and market. A heated discussion was held on how to encourage consumers to reach more readily for fish and fish products, and what to do to expand market. There was also practical information on the labor market or legislative issues.

The National Marine Fisheries Research Institute was a content partner of the Congress. NMFRI delegates can be boast of their active participation during the event – they gave extremely interesting lectures, participated in the panel discussion, and the moderators of the meeting were Dr.Eng. Olga Szulecka and M.Eng. Tomasz Kulikowski from the Department of Fisheries Economics.

Read more: https://www.kongresrybny.pl/

First day of the 10th edition of the Fish Congress Dr.Eng. Olga Szulecka moderated the meeting, and presented the topic “With or without skin? – In processing and consumption”
On the second day of the Congress, Dr. Joanna Krupska discussed “The Polish fish processing industry against the background of the European Union” Panel discussion: stagnation or growth?
Participants of the Jubilee Fish Congress, Sopot, 2024

Photos: Piotr Manasterski


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