Ms. Katarzyna Spich among the NMFRI doctors

Ms. Katarzyna Spich among the NMFRI doctors

We are delighted to announce that another person has joined the NMFRI’s doctoral team!

We congratulate Ms. Katarzyna Spich on the defense of her doctoral dissertation entitled: Application of the otolith microstructure analysis in the studies of ecology of the early life stages of cod Gadus morhua L. in the Southern Baltic Sea”.

The public defense of the doctoral dissertation took place on Friday, July 05, 2024 at 09:30 a.m. in the Auditorium oceanographorum of the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdansk at 46 Marszałka Piłsudskiego Avenue in Gdynia.

In front of the Council for the Discipline of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography.

The thesis was supervised by Dr. Dariusz Fey, Prof. NMFRI, and the reviewers were Prof.Eng. Tomasz Heese and Dr. Mariusz Sapota, Prof. UG.

Photo by K. Nadolna-Ałtyn

The dissertation can be accessed on the UG Main Library’s website at:

Reviews and abstracts can be found on the website of the Department of Oceanography and Geography under the “Scientific Proceedings” tab.


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