Professorial appointment for Dariusz Fey

Professorial appointment for Dariusz Fey

We are pleased to announce that in a decision dated June 27, 2024, the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda granted Dr. Dariusz Fey the title of professor of agricultural sciences in the discipline of zootechnics and fisheries.

Professor Dariusz Piotr Fey is a graduate of the Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanology at the University of Gdansk. He received the degree of Doctor of Agriculture in the field of fisheries in 2002. In 2013, the Council of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdansk awarded him the degree of the Doctor of Biological Sciences based on his habilitation thesis entitled: “Application of otolith microstructure analysis in the study of fish biology and ecology.”

His scientific interests are in a wide range of ichthyological research with a particular emphasis on the ecology of early life stages of fish and the application of otolith microstructure analysis in this research. He performs his scientific activities based on both field work in the natural environment and experimental research, including studies in recirculating closed RAS systems. In recent years, he has devoted his interests particularly to issues of pike ecology and questions of the possibility of restoring the population of this species in the waters of the Bay of Puck.

In addition to his long-time work at NMFRI, he spent two years working at the University of Hawaii (School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology) as a visiting scientist and one year as a post-doc at the NOAA National Ocean Service (Beaufort Laboratory). He has authored and co-authored dozens of scientific articles published in prestigious international journals and co-authored two monographs. He actively participates in the work of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), as Poland’s representative on the ICES Scientific Committee. He is a member of several scientific societies, including as a voting member in the American Fisheries Society. He currently serves at NMFRI as head of the NMFRI Experimental and Breeding Center.

We sincerely congratulate you!


Professor Dariusz P. Fey

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