NMFRI Research Plan for 2019

Research planned for implementation within the funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education; the detailed scope of research will depend on the level of financing.

1) Environmental factors affecting the reproduction efficiency of fish.

Study area: coastal and open waters

2) Feeding resources of pelagic and demersal fish in the coastal zone.

Study area: the Vistula Lagoon, the Puck Bay

3) Factors affecting the condition of fish habitats in the coastal zone.

Study area: the Szczecin Lagoon, the Vistula Lagoon

4) Development of methods for estimating commercial fish resources.

5) Measures for the support and development of coastal fisheries: possibilities of pike reproduction in brackish waters

6) The problem of poor condition of cod and flounder.

7) Economics of fisheries and processing as well as improvement of the quality of fish products.


Research planned for implementation within the funds obtained from competitions and orders (National Science Center, National Center for Research and Development, Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture, EU programs)

1) Evaluation of commercial fish resources:
Implementation of the Multiannual Programme for Collection of Fisheries Data, i.e. “Data collection, management and their use in the fisheries sector and support of scientific advice regarding the common fisheries policy”.

2) Safety and quality of fish processing products:
The subjects of the projects include: detection of parasites and counteracting the negative effects of their presence in the raw material, studies of migration of contaminants from packaging to food, testing of technologies oriented to the preservation of pro-health qualities of pelagic fish products, studies on bioactivity and bioavailability of pro-health substances present in the pelagic fish products.

3) The impact of anthropogenic factors on the Baltic environment:
The works include: data collection for the assessment of the environmental state, which is required by the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, assessment of the effects of microplastics occurring in the Baltic Sea, studies on the occurrence and transport of chemical pollution in the coastal zone, modeling of the impact of deteriorating environmental conditions on substance flow in the trophic network.

4) Prospects for development in the Baltic region based on the blue economy:
The projects include: development of new products in the field of nature and cultural tourism in the South Baltic area, development of strategies for better development of coastal regions, assessment of the potential of the South Baltic region for the development of aquaculture based on closed return circuits, promotion of sustainable aquaculture and its products, cultivation opportunities and use of seaweed in the Baltic Sea (promotional activities).

5) Orders related to spatial development of Polish Marine Areas and the environmental impact assessment of investment, chemical analyzes.

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