We are happy to announce that Dr. Tycjan Wodzinowski from the NMFRI Department of Fisheries Oceanography and Marine Ecology has received an official acknowledgement from ICES (the so-called Service Award) for his fruitful work and leadership of the ICES Working Group on Ocean Hydrography (WGOH) (also read: https://mir.gdynia.pl/dr-tycjan-wodzinowski-from-the-nmfri-department-of-fisheries-oceanography-and-marine-ecology-has-been-appointment-as-chair-of-the-ices-working-group-on-oceanic-hydrography-wgoh/?lang=en).
The Service Awards recognize the achievements and contributions of outgoing chairs of various expert groups, SCICOM steering groups, operational groups, and scientific and advisory committees, as well as all outgoing organizers of ASC thematic sessions and ICES symposia https://www.ices.dk/about-ICES/awards/Pages/Service-Awards.aspx.
The Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography (WGOH) is one of the oldest groups operating within the ICES. It was established in 1976 and held its first meeting a year later (1977). The group currently consists of 56 delegates from 36 institutions representing 16 countries, both within and outside the European Union. The group members share information on the climate change in the upper North Atlantic. They maintain constant contact with each other, exchange information on observations, and the result of this cooperation and meetings is running the ICES Report on Ocean Climate (IROC) website httpshttps://ocean.ices.dk/core/irococean.ices.dk/core/iroc. Information summarizing the most important climate events of the study area in the past year is posted there. In addition, a report of the same title is also issued, where the general climate situation of the upper layers of the ocean in the North Atlantic region is described and detailed analyses of conditions in specific parts of the ocean are made. Until recently, the publication cycle of the IROC report was one year, but after the 2021 report is released, it will be changed to a three-year cycle, which is expected to allow better quality analyses to be presented.
Congratulations on the award!