Scientific interests
- Waste fish raw materials and the possibilities to use them in the food industry
- The possibilities of reclaiming, packing, preserving and storing minced fish meat
- Fish stuffings technology
- Technology of deriving collagen and gelatin from fish skin
- Model food products based on meat reclaimed from various fish
- Chemical analysis – identification of pollutants in the marine environment, fish and other bottom organisms
- Industrial sterilization of canned fish
2019 | Innovative methods of using pelagic fish obtained from catches for consumption purposes |
2017 | InnoAquaTech - Cross-border development and transfer of innovative and sustainable aquaculture technologies in the South Baltic area |
2016-2019 | SeaQual - Safety and quality of seafood in the aspect of zoontic and toxicological risks: risk assessment, monitoring and prevention. |
2016-2018 | ProHealth - Innovative processing to preserve positive health effects in pelagic fish products |
2016 | Optimisation of technological processes in fish processing with attention paid to the safety and health quality of fish products. Research theme within the issue:
Quality examination and assessment of the value in use of herring and sprat caught in the Polish Baltic areas, depending on the biological conditions or technological and technical factors. |
2015 | P9-12/15: Etoxicology of marine deposits. |
2011-2014 | P3-2: Multi-faceted assessment of the pollutants impact on selected species of fish and other organisms which inhabit the south Baltic. |
- Magdalena Podolska, Bogusław Pawlikowski, Katarzyna Nadolna-Ałtyn,
Joanna Pawlak, Katarzyna Komar-Szymczak. How effective is freezing at killing anisakid nematodes? An experimental evaluation oftime-temperature conditions. Podolska WEFTA poster 2018.pdf
- Bogusław Pawlikowski, Katarzyna Komar-Szymczak. Wybrane wskaźniki fizykochemiczne i jakościowe śledzi z rejonów połowowych na południowym Bałtyku. Publikacja Postępy Techniki
- Bogusław Pawlikowski, Magdalena Podolska, Katarzyna Komar-Szymczak. The impact of freezing conditions on the quality of cod fillets (Gadus morhua). Poster_WEFTA_MIR.BP (Final).pdf
- Pawlikowski B., Kozieł K., Komar-Szymczak K., 2017. Wartość użytkowa szprotów (Sprattus Sprattus Balticus) z rejonów połowowych na południowym Bałtyku. [w] Żywność dla przyszłości (red. Pęksa A.). Wyd. Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu. ISBN 978-83-7717-264-3, 202-211;
- Pawlikowski B., Kozieł K., Komar-Szymczak K., 2017. E-poster: „Wartość użytkowa szprotów (Sprattus Sprattus Balticus) z rejonów połowowych na południowym Bałtyku” XLIII Sesja Naukowa Komitetu Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu PAN, 4-5.07.2017;
- Podolska M., Nadolna-Ałtyn K., Pawlak J., Pawlikowski B., Komar-Szymczak K., 2017. The effectiveness of freezing to kill anisakid nematodes: experimental evaluation of the time-temperature conditions. Referat: 26th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology 4-8.09.2017 Kuala Lumpur;
- Waszak I., Dąbrowska H., Komar-Szymczak K. 2014. Comparison of common persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in flounder (Platichthys flesus) from Vistula (Poland) and Douro (Portugal) River
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 81 (1) pp 225-233;
- Polak-Juszczak L., Komar-Szymczak K. Fatty acids profiles and fat contents of commercially important fish from Vistula Lagoon. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 59 (30), 225–229;
- Usydus Z., Szlinder-Richert J., Polak-Juszczak L., Komar K., Adamczyk M., M. Malesa-Ciećwierz M., Ruczyńska W. 2009. Fish products available in Polish market – assessment of the nutritive value and human exposure to dioxins and other contaminants. Chemosphere 74, 11, 1420-1428.
Travel, mountain tourism, cycling and skiing.
Theatre, film, literature.
Learning Mandarin Chinese, China and its culture.