EU ranks the implementation of the Fisheries Data Collection Framework in Poland high again

EU ranks the implementation of the Fisheries Data Collection Framework in Poland high again

At the end of June the Group of Experts of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) of the European Commission assessed the completeness and quality of implementation of the National Programmes for Collection of Fisheries Data of all Member States of the EU in 2016. In Poland the Programme is implemented by the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute. It is a large and complicated project realized mainly by an experienced team of experts from the NMFRI Department of Logistics and Monitoring led by M.Eng. Ireneusz Wójcik, accompanied by researchers from other NMFRI scientific departments. Similarly as in the previous years, the implementation of the Programme in Poland was ranked by the STECF Expert Group as exemplary. The following table shows that only Poland and Belgium have fully implemented their programmes:

NPZDR 2017 news tabelka z ramka

Source: Evaluation of DCF 2016 Annual Reports & Data Transmission to end users in 2016 & preparation for the new assessment of Annual Reports and Data Transmission (STECF-17-10)

It is worth emphasizing that such complete implementation of the Polish National Programme for Collection of Fisheries Data would be impossible without friendly and effective cooperation with the owners of fishing vessels, as well as the Fisheries Department and the Polish Fisheries Monitoring Centre of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation.

File to download: Evaluation of the implementation of the Fisheries Data Collection Framework by the EU Member States in 2016

Photographs: Katarzyna Nadolna-Ałtyn and Wojciech Deluga

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